The album Spirit Phone was created under the name lemon demon (aka Neil Cicierega) and was released on Febuary 29th 2016. It has 14 tracks and 13 more bonus tracks. All of the album art was created by Neil Cicieregas wife, Ming Doyle.

Lifetime Achievement Award
When an artist dies does their music perish also? Probably not, but especially not if you revive them from the dead. This song is about evil scientists who revive a dead musician so that they can keep performing. A demo title for this song was Experiments in the Revival, which is a reference to a 1940s soviet medical film. The ending is a paraphrased disclaimer that appears at the beginning of "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson.
What this album definitely needed was a song about a dedicated caller to a radio show that just needs to explain his theories. I mean come on guys! He clearly knows exactly what he's talking about! Just listen to him, he references Leonard Nimoy and Robert Stack. But alas, he could never express the words he needed too. A demo of this song was released called "Ivanushka" which was about Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode Jack frost. (no sarcasm was used here)

Cabinet Man
This song is about a man who turns himself into an arcade cabinet, body horror style, turning his organs and body parts into computer parts. The game is hugely popular and only sometimes eats people. In the climax of the song people break into the arcade and vandalize the machine. It then fights back. A common misconception is that this song is about the game "Polybius" but it is not. They are just both spooky arcade games. (img source)
No eyed Girl
An interdimensional love story between an alien girl without eyes and then, just, some guy I guess. Seems like a tragedy waiting to happen. The whole premise for this song just came from the title which was sort of just a bad pun on 'brown eyed girl'. There's not a whole lot else to say on this song, besides that it's really great, like all the other songs on this album!

when he died
This song is about a series of spooky events that happen after an equally spooky death. It isn't really about a specific person, as some think. The 'laughing record' was a novelty record of just people laughing. On the vinyl version of this album there is a loop at the end of side C of laughing from this record.
Sweet Bod
The mellified man is an ancient legend where when one was on their deathbed they would consume only honey, sometimes even bathing in it. Once they died they would be buried in even more honey and after about 100 years their cadaver would turn into some type of miracle substance that could cure all ailments. (i put another link down there). The premise of this song is how one could market that to someone.

eighth wonder
Gef the mongoose was a supposedly talking animal from the early 1930s. It lived in the Irving family's farmhouse. He had many different quotes that are honestly amazing. You should click the link down there titled 'Gef the mongoose'. It's a great story. Anyways this song is almost entirely composed of quotes and paraphrased quotes from Gef. (img source)
Ancient Aliens
There isn't really a lot to this song. It's about a caveman who is meeting an alien for the first time and is like super freaked out because he knows it's not supposed to be here. Im getting tired i dont know if anyone will even read this but if you are then thanks. Why would I choose to write an essay? Nvm this is great. I love doing this.

Soft Fuzzy Man
Metaphorically this song is about someone who thinks being all aloof and mysterious makes him attractive. Ooo ladies look at me I'm mystifying. More literally, this song is about a man made of clouds and mist. He can hypnotize and put the gals under his spell. C'mon girls you know you love this gas-man. (img source)
As your father i expressly forbid it
An angry father who can't stop yelling at you, every preteen's worst nightmare! He won't let you play your techno music or your gameboy, heck, you cant even talk about your favorite thing, The Internet! Luckily, this song is not representative of Neil Cicieregas actual father, that would be kind of sad. If your dad is like this, I'm sorry. (img source)

i earn my life
This song is sort of a part two to the character from the previous song. It's mostly him trying to convince himself that there is a reason why he acts the way he does and that maybe it's ok (I think?? I mostly just paraphrased from the commentary track). I've never really understood this song, probably because it's about adulthood and parenthood which seem like the 2 most boring things ever to me.
The best way to start out a song is with an edited quote that makes no more sense than it did before. I'm not too educated on Ronald Reagan so bear with me here. The origin of this song was Neil Cicierega thinking of a cool sounding word and seeing if there were already songs with that title. Lo and behold! There was no other song with the title Reaganomics! Hooray!!! (img source)

This song is mostly just about tall buildings that don't exist yet. It has the cold dark feel of capitalism and corporate greed. Don't listen to anything I say here, I have no clue what I'm talking about. I'm just some teen who really liked an album and decided to make stuff about it. (img source)
spiral of ants
A spiral of death, or an ant mill, is when a bunch of ants get caught in a pheromone loop until they all die of exhaustion or they starve to death. Once again, there's a wikipedia link down there for you. If you hadn't guessed by now, that's what this song is about, ants walking in circles to their doom. (img source)

honorable mention

This album has been a pretty big part of my life for a while now. It has some of my favorite songs of all time on it. I have listened to it a thousand times over, as well as the commentary track. It has helped me through a lot of the hard parts of my life. Blah blah blah more sentimental junk. But in all seriousness this album has a very special place in my heart. Now here's some Fun Facts:
- This album took eight years to complete
- Kubrick and the Beast was originally supposed to be the first song on the album
- Neil created some intros for the show Gravity Falls, unfortunately none of them were used. The bonus track Gravitron is one of these intros and Moons Request is a remix from one line in another intro.
- In early versions of As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It there was a quote from King Triton but instead it was turned into a bass solo.
- There are some early Cabinet Man that were about a see-saw
- The album starts and ends with white noise, meaning it can loop on for infinity!
Links for you!
these are both resourses i used and just stuff for you to explore. Please look through this stuff!!!
all images used are official spirit phone art/also official art but edited unless i put an image source.
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